Wednesday, December 30, 2009


今年年尾,几个在国外定居的朋友都跑了回来。。。 就这样,十几年的朋友,吃吃喝喝。。。

有人说,‘舊友重聚,總有一種時間的迷離與飛逝感,對於人生的體會更深刻...‘ How well said, totally agreed..

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


清晨3。40 分, 不知道是清晨的空气, 还是怎么的,



postcript, 傍晚走路回家的时候,又吹起冷风, 忽然觉得,失落啊, 寂寞啊, 惆怅啊 这些情绪, 就像风湿一样, 天冷的时候就来。 29/12/2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas

I was looking at the Calender, the Christmas is around the corner.

And the Indian trip was the happened almost exactlly 1 year ago! and i still have fews entry yet to be made, though only very few... how times has flied...and everybody 1 year older! Gosh.. :(