Saturday, March 14, 2009


所有字。。。 都是多馀。。。。。

Monday, March 9, 2009


Jailsamer是一个在沙漠里的城市(Thar Desert)。是我们在印度住过的,最靠‘俊Pakistan 的城市 -)照中国人的标准,就是古代囚犯发放‘边疆’的地方。。。

车子驶入Jailsamer, 马上就感觉到这个‘边疆’城市的狂野- 一进城,就被人骑车‘拦截-兜售camel safari. ‘!(这个人还蒙着脸,活像古代的马贼!)于是,我们就在车里,看着这个人和我们的司机,隔空‘倾数’(cantonese).‘ 数’没有‘倾’成。这位仁兄就这样骑着车指手划脚的和我们告司机的状。
印度‘揾食’真的是艰难。。。基本上,这些小贩/生意人真是无孔不入的。而且用尽所有花招, 或哄或骗。。。连我们的司机都当我们是菜头。。。 在Udaipur做了出不怎么好的戏, 想唬我们住贵旅店。。。
当时对很多诸如此类的事情有点生气,不过现在回想,这就是印度的reality。。。如果我们用自己生活里的道德标准去要求,一个生活条件比我们差几十倍的地方,那或许不只是要求, 而是苛求了。
我想,the incredibility of india 很大部分是归功于the incredibility of INDIAN...印度人的‘韧力’真的是令人眼界大开!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

tibetan bride- Dawn.. we were imagining it...

Dawn seemed has only 2 emotions - forever in a happy, excited mood or... '火大'.

For I don't believe there is people who has no 'down' mood at all, I choose to believe she is so kind that she always bring us up to sky when she is ' high', and never 'sink' the rest when she is down.

Though we tried hard, but too bad, there was no one Tibetan who was good enough for her ( perhaps there is no tibetan bed that is soft enough for her- soft bed is a VERY BIG issue for her -), but we were kind enough to leave them a 'imaginary' tibetan bride...for them to dream on ..hopefully not a nightmare . Ha .. ha.. ha...

by yy

Revisiting India

从印度回来两个月了。我好像还在时不时的‘revisting India'..。这两个月的‘重游’, 套一句 koh 讲的,我好像在‘Romanticising ' the India experience..

今天在一本书里看到这样的一个句子‘。。。 exploring objects and the world with fresh eyes , and seeing the world in words..' .

这就是我想把印度的经历, 重新用文字‘走‘过一回的原因吧。很贪心的, 不止用走的,看的,尝的, 也要用写的, to visit India more than once..
I know, through the words , the still images and the memories, I will see again the many faces of India, and re-inhabit the India experience again and again...

and already, through all the words I have written, I am seeing a almost 'imaginary' India emerging, coincide with the 'realistic' India that i have visited - a new India which we can claim ours has come into being... Our India, with our very own uniquely experience...This is the Incredible India- and it is ours-我们的印度。

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ka Shou into being...

Ka sou first came into being during the Tibet trip, and his concept of the 'happy family' starts take shape since then...

hetty 和她的如意袋

Hetty 有一个比小叮当还神的‘如意袋‘- 一个取之不尽, ‘货源‘源源不绝的百宝袋。

应有尽有,从美珍香肉干,mash potato, slippers, 药品。。。

Hetty,比她的‘如意袋‘更神。 因为她竟然能把那么多好料塞进这个百宝袋 -)

Monday, March 2, 2009

looking through Ming's eyes

Ming take beautiful photos.

She has delicate eyes, she see different things, or , she see things differently...

Sometimes, I like to see through her lens and see the world in a very 'ming' way- the very upclosed and personal way...

The world of Ming...