Friday, November 19, 2010


今天的alpha class, andrew 说了一席话, 我想记下来。。。

他说, 信主之后, 可以从' prayer' 的一路改变, 发现自己的成长, 初期的prayer 总是一味的‘祈求’what you can do for me?, 在信仰里渐渐成长后的prayer会慢慢变成, what you want me to do for you?..

最后, andrew 说; to be genuine .. always be genuine.... I like this conclusion.

好几堂的alpha class 下来, 我自己对christianity as a religion 的感想是, 除了moral teaching, Christianity 要传达的是一种 去确定, 去认同, 爱的concept, to believe in Love, to establish relationship 的价值观, 去相信神爱世人, 并要每个人去爱别人..。 to believe in the purpose that we live in this world is to take care of each other ....

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