Friday, April 2, 2010

moving on...

今天, 和一位很久不见少年时的朋友喝茶。 朋友最近面临一些感情上的问题。。。

撇开那些扰人的繁文缛节, 和moral judgement or sort. 感情大概就是分-过去式和有未来的, 还有那些can make it 和fail 的。。。

其实我也不是有什么丰富的‘战绩’啦, 不过我和另一个朋友就像那种没有开过枪,上过战场的兵,却在写兵书一样=), 尝试开导这位朋友。

Seriously, for those relationship that has passed and can not make it, what else can you do but put down and move on...

One day when one look back , they will most probably agree those things that were not happened are because some supreme power has made the choice for us..

1 comment:

  1. 也许过些日子以后,你会猛然发现曾以为心里那沉甸甸的重量,以后回想起来也没啥大不了。我最近的领悟!
