Tuesday, March 30, 2010


最近, 除了看一些平时看得‘闲书’。也在看一些dale Carnegie, Stephen Covey 的书。老哥极力推荐, 大概看不惯我对自己的人生‘不知所谓’吧-) . 不是想成为什么了不起的企业人才。 只想学习怎样有balanced, positive 的人生态度。。 我比较小的时候, 就已经有一位‘高人’和我说过‘没有人有义务让你快乐’。。 所以每一个人都应该, 自己去寻找, 去学习,去领悟, 让自己感觉幸福快乐的方式。。

其实这之前, 我是那种很抗拒这种类型的励志的teaching 的。虽然我其实没有参加过任何一种。 所以做人千万不能先入为主的。。看了一些, 我觉得真的有看远远好过没看, 真的是一些‘好料’来的。为什么我会'Buy' 他们的teaching.. i think, because i believe in their values. These are some intrinsic teaching and value from Covey and Carnegie, there are much more out there, these are simply some that really bought me over....

- Never Compromise with honesty
- remember the people involved
- hear both side before judging
- be sincere yet decisive
- maintain a positive attiude
- keep a sense of humor
- do not fear mistakes- fear only the absense of creative, constructive, and corrective responses to those mistakes
- listen twice as much as you speak, etc

- Smile
- be genuinely interested in others people
- give honest and sincere opinion
- dun fuss about trifles
- give the other person fine reputation to live up to
- Talk about your own mistakes before criticising other people's , etc

So, what they teach, are instead how to become a better person , a balanced and happier person, thus a 'successful' person...

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