'为甚么,这些印度人的生活那么惨的样子。。。 还那么喜欢穿的大红大紫的? '
昨天晚上,在翻看那些在印度拍的,色彩斑斓的照片的时候,突然想到,如果,印度没有了颜色, 会是一个怎样的世界。。。于是, 就把一些 不太成功的彩色照片转换成黑白的来看看。
发现,其实印度,还蛮适合黑白的。因为 黑白的世界, 把印度满地的垃圾, ‘隐藏‘了起来,也调和了它某些过于炫目的色彩, 纯粹的黑白,更加深刻了印度人的表情。 相信我,许多印度人单单一个眼神就可以非常慑人。。。
彩色的世界,常常过于喧嚣和‘繁忙’( busy)。黑白的世界却‘安静’( silent)许多,剥掉彩色的外衣,有时候好像更能令人接近东西的‘本质’。。。

Backup your material, never know someday this stuff may earn you royalty.
ReplyDeleteSo many entries in one shot, each of them distinct from others, your "depth" stretch far.
Keep going, I like the architectural touch in one of the entry too.
Thanks Koh, you always give very encouraging comments to me. Appreciated -)
ReplyDeleteNow i relook back the black and white photos, i think the 'colourlessness' really bring us to another 'realm'.. that a colour photo seems unable to deliver us to..somewhere beyond the mundane world...