Wednesday, December 30, 2009


今年年尾,几个在国外定居的朋友都跑了回来。。。 就这样,十几年的朋友,吃吃喝喝。。。

有人说,‘舊友重聚,總有一種時間的迷離與飛逝感,對於人生的體會更深刻...‘ How well said, totally agreed..

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


清晨3。40 分, 不知道是清晨的空气, 还是怎么的,



postcript, 傍晚走路回家的时候,又吹起冷风, 忽然觉得,失落啊, 寂寞啊, 惆怅啊 这些情绪, 就像风湿一样, 天冷的时候就来。 29/12/2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas

I was looking at the Calender, the Christmas is around the corner.

And the Indian trip was the happened almost exactlly 1 year ago! and i still have fews entry yet to be made, though only very few... how times has flied...and everybody 1 year older! Gosh.. :(

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

about love

W wrote this on his facebook , I dun know whether he originate them or quote from somewhere else... but i find it interesting and sort of second that..

"Our vision of love is partly formed by our disappointments; we are taught by those we have failed to love (or whom we could have loved had life been different), those who did not love us back or did not even suspect our ardour, those we loved passionately and then stopped loving."

沙马乡 前奏

Saturday, October 31, 2009




Monday, October 26, 2009


西藏之行, 一转眼,已经过了两年半。。。很多的记忆开始以很快的速度‘fading out'。。。 那一趟的旅行, 有一些风景,有一些人,我是一定要记住的。。而且,希望可以很久很久。。。

师傅, 是在中国称呼司机的一种方式。 对这个陪伴我们超过一个星期的‘师傅‘真的当之无愧的。

如果不是有师傅, 我想我们,至少我,会觉得还蛮怕的,在旅程中的很多点。。 虽然,旅途中惊险连连可是没有真正的觉得很害怕过, 因为觉得有师傅在, 有师傅‘罩’,一切都会化险为夷的。这一点,师傅真的超‘man’ 的。 一路上,看着师傅怎么随机应变,在高压下脑筋依然非常灵光 (比高压锅还好=)... 我想起,他要那个看守着还没有开放的隧道的藏人, 让我们的车子通过的时候,告述他我们是要到拉萨布达拉朝圣的,还说我们会为他祈福=),单纯的藏人真的把障碍物拿掉, 让我们通过了。。 还有,师傅竟然可以在沙马乡这样一个鸟不生蛋的地方, 的一架废弃的机器里找到一根螺丝, 把车子修好。

在那一个救兵来不到 (landslide) 手边又没有一点资源的时候,他修车的同时,还可以张罗我们的饭菜, 还抄了一碟超好吃的川菜。。。心理素质和抗压力, 我真的超服, 超崇拜他的。。。



我觉得师傅真的有很多positive 的能量, 他永不言弃, 就是一直try his best to solve whatever problems that come.。.这样的character, 我一定要永远的记得, 很幸运遇到他,芒康之后,我们和他道别, 那时我记得我和yy 说,' it will never be the same again.. 八个少一个。。 :(’

师傅做的离别的早餐, 很好吃,很感动

Monday, October 19, 2009


我大概已经说了'N' 次我是多么的喜欢陈绮贞。。

喜欢她的歌,她的旋律, 她的文字, 她的人格特质。。她的视觉角度, 甚至是喜欢她所喜欢的。。


“。。。 [太陽]這首歌
心中灰暗卑微的我 和心中另一個溫暖光明的我

能有一次 活出一個完整單純而不再懷疑的自我

這首歌 從一個膽小的臆測出發

最後 追尋自我的過程也讓我發現
心中只有自己的人 生命是不可能完整的


listening to Jason Mraz now, great。。。music is good..

Friday, October 16, 2009


在网上看到作家郑栗儿,写了一篇关于她的老爸爸的文章, 很感人,特别是最后的一段。。。 我想人生觀, 价值观的培養不只是在我们老的没什么东西剩下的时候,留那么一点价值给自己。。 我看了这个老爸爸的女儿的文章后,特别觉得这些人生觀, 价值观也会传承给下一代,所以这个女儿, 不会用一般的现实的, 市侩的标准去评价渐渐变成像孩子一樣的爸爸。。而是在这份孩子气里看到爸爸的价值。。而更愛他。

to share...

像孩子一樣的爸爸 -郑栗儿








Sunday, October 4, 2009


我最喜欢的照片, 总是要带一点 ‘不经意‘的味道。。。
这应该是一张, 在互相‘交错’的情况下的snapshot 吧。。

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Varanasi 4- morning boat ride- almost phantom...

在Varanasi第二个必做的活动是-Morning Boat Ride

Varanasi 的morning boat ride 是Varanasi的精华所在。没有去这个Morning Boat Ride, 你决对不能领略ganges river 之‘绝’。 没有提这个魔幻的morning boat ride 好像没有办法为varanasi 之旅写下句点。

早上大概六点多一点吧。我们就在旅社外集合。二楼的jeff 还打开窗口和我们打招呼。。 很和善的老外 -)。乘上船,船夫就在暗夜里,往一片朦胧划去。

Varanasi 的圣河,是我经历过最浓的雾。似幻似真。非常超现实。 经过这样一个魔幻清晨,Varanasi成了擁有魔幻回憶的城市 。是空气吗,还是河水的温度- 死亡的温度。

Thursday, September 17, 2009


昨天, 去游泳。。 才游了两个lap, 天空就下起雨来。。

然后,雨滴就拉成一条,一条的斜线, 在蓝蓝的水面,划出一圈又一圈的涟漪。。。

后来,连闪电都来凑一脚 (不多,两三下而已。。 )。。虽然平时也没做什么亏心事,还是有点害怕 -), 可是看看周围的人没有什么反应,life guard 也没当一回事, 而且,我已经‘洗湿了头’,就继续徜徉在我的蔚蓝里。。。

潜进水底的时候,不论水面上,雨,下的乱七八糟, 都是一片平静。。。 而且, 从水底往上看水面上的涟漪, 有一种很不一样的美感。。

这好像是我第一次, 在 雨中的泳池游泳。。。真的很特别的感觉, 从头潜进平静的水底, 然后,头渐渐离开水面,在平静的水底和看到雨滴落在水面并划出涟漪的那一道分界线。。(就是水面大概在鼻孔的位置。)然后头再抬高,并看到头顶上厚厚的, 忧郁的乌云。。 然后,又回到蔚蓝的平静。。。


可以想象吗?下一次下雨的时候, 去游泳吧。。。 (如果你平时,没有做什么亏心事 =)

medan girl again

我在废弃车子的另一头。。。被车窗刚好' 框‘住了三个小家伙和我对视而笑。。。无心之作,可是 我好喜欢这张照片里女孩们的笑容。

Monday, August 31, 2009

happy birthday to my papa

There is a old saying - a daughther is a father's past life lover. Today , is my past life's lover 70th birthday =).

My father, is not the very typical 'father figure' type that is commonly portrayed in the text book but in some sense he is a very 'typical' kind of an old time Asian father- who work very hard raising the kids,fill every kids' stomuchs but share very little knowledge of the kids' mind.

This is a very special photo for my father and me.

This picture was taken during one of the very limited family outing i had during my childhood. I was probably in kinder garden, 6 / 7 years old the most, at Desaru, 1 event organised by the factory that my dad used to work. I can't recall there is any other time that we were so physically close. Sometimes memory works in a very strange way, believe or not, i can;t remember much details of that outing,except my father's hand, the feeling that he was holding me in the waves- the waves at Desaru was really strong, especially for a kid, what i remember is i really felt safe in my father arms and we were laughing...

i think this kind of strange memory from childhood is the experience that will eventually transcend into something beyond words -sort of like some unexplainable bond that we'll carries thru our life...

We always have this ' image' of a rightful father that, we would like our own father to fit in. I have to admit, i am not that kind of daughther who are madly in love with this past life's lover. Sometimes i tend to complain a bit ( instead quite a lot -p ) of this lover too. As father and daughther, we don't really talk much. Instead most of the times i even have to work hard to find a common topic. When i see some other daughthers who are really close to their fathers, both physically and emotionally, I have to confess, i do feel envy from time to time and secretly thinking ' why my father not like this and not like that..?'.. . But over the years, i have also learnt/ learning to accept my father as who he is , just as how he has accept this daughther of his ( actually i dun really know has he fully accepting me 100 % , i do hope but doubt so =). .. to learn to be at ease with the silence that lies between us, or even start to enjoys our ' wordless but comfortable stress-less moments' that are uniquely us.

My father is 70 years old this years. He is getting old... Unlike my mother, he is a much more a simple minded person. I used to complaint about his ' too simple mindedness' , but today, i wish he will be always happy in his 'simple' world for the rest of his life.

Happy Birthday to my father. 31 August, he shares same birthday as Malaysia !!

Monday, July 27, 2009

my father is home alone

Sunday, went back home in early morning and have breakfast with my dad. My dad is home alone, as my mum has gone spend her 'vacation' with my brother in KL. It is always time like these that my father and I have our ' 二人世界‘ , when mum is away.

And only in moments like this, i come realised how my father has aged.. His famously thick, dark hair has become mostly white and much thinner.. He frame has shrinked, his eyes look tired, his voice softer, his skin starts develop the ' ageing spot's , and the way he walks, is of an old man...
observing the physical changes on my dad, talking to him, checking on his health's condition, his working condition with my bro..I feel exceptionaly closed to my father this morning and exceptional saddened too by the passing time and it's imprint on my dad...

Last night, when i went through Yasmin Admad old commercials, I saw one that is echos my morning's feeling, which brought me to tears...

times.. * sigh

and one more sweet one

Sunday, July 19, 2009


一年皆夏的我们,会不会容易纵欲过渡? =)


Saturday, July 18, 2009


"..「衝浪這東西,是比表面看起來更深奧的運動。我們透過衝浪,學到不要抗拒自然的力量。不管那是多麼粗暴的東西。」 .."

第一次讀到村上春樹這段描寫衝浪的文字時,剛好也是自己第一次接觸衝浪這種運動,在缺乏技巧且以頑抗的態度面對大海,果然吃盡苦頭。浪大的時候,每個浪潮都像拳擊手揮來的重拳一樣,把人K得頭昏眼花。風平浪靜時,又枯坐在海上閒得發慌。後來才知道,這運動跟人生一樣,沒放鬆心情去面對的話,不但無法從中得到樂趣,而且會把自己搞得精疲力盡。。。 ”

above or under the blue...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

my re-entry to the deep blue

Dive 1- Stress level 80%
Shit man... after 3 years absent from any dive.. was lead straight to assemble the equipments. Bloody hell, i can't even really 100 % sure which button is deflate and which is inflate..thought i am very sure the cylinder is the oxigen tank..And before the dive, the stupid Pig head dive operator , as if the 'unfamiliarity' hasn't burden me enough, keep stressing how distant my last and... Only dive trip was..problematic, problematic, his bloody expression looked more worried than me. on the boat ride out to the sea, still try the very last minute of revision- verbally...Before realising.. boom !.. .. shit.. can not a kelam kabut way.. pig head stuck 1 kg weight in my bcd and i a reversed position ( imagine a prawn shape posture, with waist down first, follow with head and fins). .. hang on..!!!! i have yet to properly equalize myself...... in a uncontrollable way... i 'swing' my way to the bottom... before i properly 'kneel' on the sand... i float slowly... slowly ... slowly ... up... wei..!!! pig head u not going to grap me??!... and i just float my way up... disastrous!
- not enought weight, didn't equalise properly wet suit

Dive 2- Stress level 75%
F**K ! though i m taking an advanced course, doesn;t mean my skill very advance le.. introduced to the instructor, better refresh how to 'breath' under water again.... slowly get back the rhythm. Finally sink, but in a very akward way, can't kneel in a balance way. Do i hav dog gene inside, why 1 leg keep 'floating' up.. ??
- BCD too big, tank keep swinging side way- cause imbalance.

Dive 3- Stress level 50%
Changed to a XS BCD. Great! at least i can descend legs down man...keep myself underwater longer to familirize with the deep blue and the breathing... still feel tensed.

Dive 4- Stress level 40%
Underwater Navigation? already no sense of direction above ground and i have to navigate under the deep blue?.. Dun care, any how. MAN wan to 'cubit' me liao.. totally clueless of the direction. And MAN said i m 'vertigo' . alamak! can i find a diving labrador not ? imagining would be a cool one =)

Dive 5 - Stress level 35%
dark, dark , dark..Not as stressed as i expected, though i still having difficulty descend.. this time - didn't press the button hard enough!. what a reason! Anyway, the 'charming instructor to be' Francis come to rescue. Even in the darkness i can see his impatience eye 'piercing ' thru me, ‘白’了我两眼 , at least.( hey Francis, must learn to be more patient with lousy student if wan to be intructor la). There was a time, the torch out of function for few minutes, but no chance panic as the buddy MAN just right beside. I think he must be quite stressed also by tis 'vertigo' student hehe.. and after his twist and turn, torch light back to function, bloodly handicapped torch charge us 20 ringgit some more..blood sucker ! didn't see much fish in the dark water .. only the darkness get deeper and deeper..imagine outside the glow, the fishes that were eyeing us in the unknown if, .we are the protagonists on the under water's big screen mann... eerie..what an experience!

Dive 6 - Stress level 15%
Deep Dive- 25 meter down, MAN is not going down with us. Instead, pig head was the one sinking with us.. though without my usual guardian. I was getting comfortable with the deep blue and the breathing and of cuz the rope-at least something lead me. Sinking down to 25 m and did the mathematic, brain seemed functioning well under the deep blue...swimming back to shore.. only at 1 point tend to float unvolunteerly-mistake, mistake shouldn't inflate BCD to climb the underwater slope, ok, remember to deflate a bit next time toward end of dive-tank is emptyng and tend to 'fly' and i shall anchor tis tank and bring it back to where it belong..

Dive 7- Stress level 5%
1st and last group dive.. yeah ! we dive together finally. And definitely my nicest dive for the trip, so many colourful creatures and corals to see.. practicing hovering and buddha sit at the safety stop. This is the fun one, all of us, like astranaut 'floating' in the deep blue...Now can really feel the fun! And what a way to ends the deep blue journey -the sight of a Manta Ray! awesome =)

will keep blowing bubble till 1 day total stressless, total fearless.

blow bubbles and be happy ...

Monday, June 15, 2009

女人落难, 还是女人。。。

抵死晤?‘风头火势’还有闲情搞这些。 哈哈。

落难沙马乡,这就是我们消磨时间的方式。完全发挥了随遇而安的精神。We were so cool =)

Monday, May 11, 2009

all about my mother

昨天,去看了日本电影-kabei - 母亲。很感人的电影,这是我给自己的母亲节的prelude. 日本人总是可以教我们什么是‘温柔’。。。

今天,五月的第二个星期日, 是母亲节。想写一些关于母亲的什么。。。这是我第三次写关于我的妈妈。第一次,是在小六的时候,参加作文比赛;那一次,我得了第一名。我的妈妈,没有看过那一篇作文。 第二次,是在中学的时候,遴选学生记者的时候,我的妈妈, 还是没有看过那一篇作文。。。大约二十年后的今天,我再一次想写关于我的母亲。。。

我读过一篇文章,是已故的波兰导演,我喜爱的kieslowski 写的,关于父母的。。。 ‘relationships with parents are never fair. When our parents are on top form, at their best, their most energetic, their most lively and the most loving, we don’t know them because we don’t exist yet. Or we’re so tiny that we can’t appreciate it. Then, when grow older and start to understand certain things, they’ re already old. They no longer have the energy which they used to have. They no longer have the same will to live as they had when they were young. They’ve been disillusioned in all sort of ways, or they ‘ve experienced failure. They’re already bitter. I have wonderful parents. Wonderful. Except I wasn’t able to appreciate them when I Should have.. I was too foolish.’ 


我的妈妈,生于二战期间。1943年。( 现在想起来,战争宝宝,是不是会极度没有安全感? 毕竟是conceived within atmosphere of fear, 我妈就没什么安全感 )。我的妈妈, 和我一样是家里唯一的女儿, 很可惜,那个时代显然不流行‘掌上明珠’这回事儿。特别是我的外婆是家里的‘老二’。根据‘史料记载’,就是我妈的资料提供啦, 外公在她七八岁的时候, 被人诬赖是共产党,被递解出境。外婆带着三个小舅舅跟着外公回中国。 妈妈因为是女儿,在那个还是属于‘赔钱货’的年代被留了下来。本来听说还打算卖给人作‘Y 头‘的,后来好像也卖不得什么好价钱(我妈的‘卖相’大概也不怎么好吧, 哈哈),所以, 我的姑婆,就是外公的妹妹,毛遂自荐把妈妈收留下来。我的妈妈,上学也只上到小学三年级,就在也没有回到学校了。‘史料‘又说(当然,又是我妈啰 -),在她仅有的三年教育里,她的成绩很好。这虽然是咸丰年,也无从考究的事,我倒是蛮相信的, 因为妈妈虽然见识不高,‘醒目‘度却可以说是我认识的人里面,绝对是排前几名的。。。

我的姑婆,据说,在她‘盛年’的时候,火气非常旺盛。 而且,绝对是非常TYPICAL 的广东婆-就是毒舌派啦。妈妈寄人篱下的生活好像非常不好过,反正就是工作工作再工作。那时肯定是没有什么童工法律的。妈妈有时谈起那时的待遇,还有点咬牙切齿的 哈哈。 同样的姑婆,就是我小时候也照顾我的姑婆。 老年的她,大概‘收火’了,又或着安逸的生活,会让人变得慈祥许多。印象里的, 小时候姑婆对我很好的, 所以,老妈算了吧,我把的你应得的享了。。我的妈妈,二十岁的时候嫁给了我爸。同一村的, 谈不上熟悉的男子, 当然不可能是自由恋爱-显然没有那种自由, 也没有那种闲功夫。

象所有的粤语残片一样 (老实说,我妈的心酸史,还真的很像粤语残片的剧情, 只差一个好色老爷。 哈), 婚后的妈妈,一样有着婆媳,妯娌间的问题。 幸运的是,我没有见过面的阿公 对我妈很好。又很不幸运的是, 我阿公在我出世不久的几个月后,就去世了 (那一年,我和堂妹,两只母老虎出生,他们曾经说过阿公是我们克的。 我现在的说法是-生死有命。我也很想见我慈祥的阿公啊,太伤人了吧 -(。。

Anyway, 婚后的妈妈,就一手‘策划’推我有点'laidback'的老爸,南下新加坡学修机器。然后慢慢的,我们一家人也搬下JB, 远离了其他的亲朋戚友, 也远离了所谓的‘新村文化’,就是有点laid back 啦。后来,我爸,在树胶园里的树胶厂找到工作,我妈,也在同一个老板的树胶园里工作。后来我们就在这一片树胶园里长大。写到这里,我想一家人都感谢妈妈当时的坚持,和她面对未知的全新环境的勇气。不然,现在的我很有可能就在新村里的某个理发厅为人剪着头发。。well, U never know.
关于我妈,如果去到细节,可以写的太多太多, 以后有空再写我妈的‘丰功伟业’。

现在,我妈,大概是我最在乎的也是和我有着最多冲突的人了,虽然这些冲突只是一丁一点的 (因为我是和平主义者咧)。可能有冲突, 就是因为太在乎吧。。。想说的是,我的妈妈,绝对不属于好相处, 也不温柔的人。可是她非常善良。为什么可以善良又不好相处?? 那是因为,我的妈妈非常‘真’也非常‘直‘。她只说她心里的话,她相信的话 ( 她真的可以‘非常相信’她说相信的-)。她从来不说一些场面话来巴结人的, 从来不。

有时候,我会冒一头冷汗,为我不懂‘人情世故‘的妈妈圆场, 担心她的话又得罪了谁。更多时候,我其实为我这个谁也不卖账的酷妈喝彩。我觉得我的妈妈,有着很单纯的心,所以她才可以心无城府,说她要说的话,做她要做的事,不去思前顾后这些actions可能带来的利益冲突和伤害 她很勇敢,也不太在乎别人爽不爽她。我的妈妈,并不绝对完美,象所有人一样。。。她很固执,有时候,也太执著,非常相信自己总是对的。。。but still, she is my dear mum. 母亲节的今天,我要为我妈打分数。回想我妈的背景,她有的资源, 她一路来做过的决定, 她的坚持,I think she well deserve a distiction. I can never do as good given the same circumstances.

虽然自己不是妈妈,可是,和我同龄的一些朋友已经是另一些小朋友的妈妈了。所以,和她们一起多了,好像也越来越可以体会一些作为妈妈的心情。。。我妈, 不看blog 的。她当然也不会看到这篇。可是,最近,我越来越觉得, 世事非常难料。。。

You never know, what’ll happen next. I think, 1 day if I am not around, I would like my mum to know that- mum, I am your fan !!! Although I might have argued with you, made you sad / angry…. I am always your fan.

11th May 2009. I m 35, my mum is 66. We have known each other for 35 years...nice to know you, mum.

Happy Mother day !

Medan's girl

Threesome again -).

从medan 回来,看拍回来的照片。很喜欢这一张,为三个小女孩在乡间的小路拍的照片。 这次去medan, 其实没有去了什么地方,除了lake toba. lake toba, 其实除了很大, 也没有给我太了不起和惊艳的感觉。 反而是,在湖边遇到,拍到的这一群小女孩们 have made my day and trip. No regret.

这一张照片,让我想起,几年前,在angkor wat 拍的另一张三个小男孩的照片, 最小的很害羞,最高的笑的比较含蓄,不大不小的笑的最大方灿烂, 和这张照片一样。。。奇怪的deja vu 哦。

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


旅程中遇到的人, 对我而言,可能比风景更重要。 又或者是说,这些人会自成一道记忆的风景线。

Nisar, 是我在印度记忆里出现的第一道的风景线。 我们一在印度新德里的机场下机, 他是第一个迎接我们的印度人。坦白说,第一眼看到他的感觉是- ‘我的妈啊! 怎么来了一个那么像'taliban' 的。他带着一脸的大胡子, 第一印象,绝对谈不上友善, 灰头灰脸的, 一字眉,眼神很忧郁。 。。 虽然来之前,已经从他的名字大概知道他是回教徒,不过来到这里也才知道他是kashmirist. 那时候想的是-我的妈啊!不是什么freedom fighter 吧。。。

在车子里,我们战战兢兢, 心情有点忐忑, 但还是有心情开着无聊的玩笑- 一些道听途说,关于印度的,匪疑所思的传闻。。。 关于谁的器官, 比较可以卖的好价钱。。关于印度的wet market 卖的可能不只是猪或羊的脾肺肾,更可能有人的。。。关于我们可能就被运往‘屠宰场’的途中而茫然不知。。。that's y i so love this group of gila people, we can basically joke on everything -).

后来,当和Nisar开始混熟了一点后,他的脸开始有了笑意。。。 the 'kashmir's ice' slowly melting...

Nisar and koh

在新德里的第一,也最后一天,nisar还邀请我们到他的家里吃晚餐。在他的家里, 我们看到他们兄弟几人怎样生活在一个屋檐下,还有他和她的女儿的亲密的互动。其实,他一点也不显得'taliban'. 他也是一个努力生活, 和疼爱自己的女儿的回教徒, 象所有任何其他的父亲一样。喜欢听他说起,他的家乡kashmir 的美丽,还有看他的忧郁眼神在面对他的家人,女儿的时候,象乌云一样慢慢散去。。。。
我们离开的时候,Nisar 搭着女儿肩膀,站在车前和我们挥手道别。。。 那一刻,我很高兴他是我们的agent. (虽然,我还是觉得,他有想‘坑‘我们的意图 , 哈,可是,想想那个印度人不‘坑‘人啊。)
Nice to meet you Nisar! One day, i'll want to visit your hometown -)

dinner at Nisar's place

Sunday, April 26, 2009

reunion ...

25th April 2009, Saturday, little india @ Singapore

After parting for more than 3 months, the Indian gang get together again. Special thanks to 二叔, his arrival from Sabah has made the reunion possible...

一间永远客满的印度餐馆,一顿不是不好吃,可是就是吃不完的印度餐,两个‘狼的很‘的男人和女人 (不过是‘得个‘广’字, 哈哈);一条有趣的街道,一个挤满分不清是男是女的昏暗阶梯,一瓶红酒+一瓶白酒,一间酷酷的小店,一个胡说八道, 充满笑声的夜晚和有点微醺的我。。。纪念着一个过去的遥远旅行和六个travelmates的友谊 ( and a chan's new bond to the group), cheers !

Saturday, March 14, 2009


所有字。。。 都是多馀。。。。。

Monday, March 9, 2009


Jailsamer是一个在沙漠里的城市(Thar Desert)。是我们在印度住过的,最靠‘俊Pakistan 的城市 -)照中国人的标准,就是古代囚犯发放‘边疆’的地方。。。

车子驶入Jailsamer, 马上就感觉到这个‘边疆’城市的狂野- 一进城,就被人骑车‘拦截-兜售camel safari. ‘!(这个人还蒙着脸,活像古代的马贼!)于是,我们就在车里,看着这个人和我们的司机,隔空‘倾数’(cantonese).‘ 数’没有‘倾’成。这位仁兄就这样骑着车指手划脚的和我们告司机的状。
印度‘揾食’真的是艰难。。。基本上,这些小贩/生意人真是无孔不入的。而且用尽所有花招, 或哄或骗。。。连我们的司机都当我们是菜头。。。 在Udaipur做了出不怎么好的戏, 想唬我们住贵旅店。。。
当时对很多诸如此类的事情有点生气,不过现在回想,这就是印度的reality。。。如果我们用自己生活里的道德标准去要求,一个生活条件比我们差几十倍的地方,那或许不只是要求, 而是苛求了。
我想,the incredibility of india 很大部分是归功于the incredibility of INDIAN...印度人的‘韧力’真的是令人眼界大开!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

tibetan bride- Dawn.. we were imagining it...

Dawn seemed has only 2 emotions - forever in a happy, excited mood or... '火大'.

For I don't believe there is people who has no 'down' mood at all, I choose to believe she is so kind that she always bring us up to sky when she is ' high', and never 'sink' the rest when she is down.

Though we tried hard, but too bad, there was no one Tibetan who was good enough for her ( perhaps there is no tibetan bed that is soft enough for her- soft bed is a VERY BIG issue for her -), but we were kind enough to leave them a 'imaginary' tibetan bride...for them to dream on ..hopefully not a nightmare . Ha .. ha.. ha...

by yy

Revisiting India

从印度回来两个月了。我好像还在时不时的‘revisting India'..。这两个月的‘重游’, 套一句 koh 讲的,我好像在‘Romanticising ' the India experience..

今天在一本书里看到这样的一个句子‘。。。 exploring objects and the world with fresh eyes , and seeing the world in words..' .

这就是我想把印度的经历, 重新用文字‘走‘过一回的原因吧。很贪心的, 不止用走的,看的,尝的, 也要用写的, to visit India more than once..
I know, through the words , the still images and the memories, I will see again the many faces of India, and re-inhabit the India experience again and again...

and already, through all the words I have written, I am seeing a almost 'imaginary' India emerging, coincide with the 'realistic' India that i have visited - a new India which we can claim ours has come into being... Our India, with our very own uniquely experience...This is the Incredible India- and it is ours-我们的印度。

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ka Shou into being...

Ka sou first came into being during the Tibet trip, and his concept of the 'happy family' starts take shape since then...

hetty 和她的如意袋

Hetty 有一个比小叮当还神的‘如意袋‘- 一个取之不尽, ‘货源‘源源不绝的百宝袋。

应有尽有,从美珍香肉干,mash potato, slippers, 药品。。。

Hetty,比她的‘如意袋‘更神。 因为她竟然能把那么多好料塞进这个百宝袋 -)

Monday, March 2, 2009

looking through Ming's eyes

Ming take beautiful photos.

She has delicate eyes, she see different things, or , she see things differently...

Sometimes, I like to see through her lens and see the world in a very 'ming' way- the very upclosed and personal way...

The world of Ming...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Indian window

印度的古建筑里的窗和screen, 是一个非常重要的建筑特色。基本上,我想印度人应该是自古以来就很有‘peeping Tom’的本色- 很喜欢‘装’(cantonese) 人

你可以明目张胆,在大街上,瞪大着眼睛看人,也可以在,在那一扇扇特别设计的 窗或screen后,‘鬼祟‘的窥探。

beautifully taken by dawn

Jaipur的Palace of Winds (Hawa Mahal), 是其中一件为‘装’人而建的结构。它甚至是谈不上是一个宫殿( palace)。它其实更像一面有着许许多多的小窗户的厚墙,作用是让以前的后宫佳丽在这里,透过这些窗口去看皇宫外的生活和人而又不会让人看到她们的芳容。

悲哀啊,只能这样子去认识世界, 又不能让世界认识她们。。。

by dawn, the peeping queen