其实,我是一个非常害怕面对死亡的人。。。 如果可以我也会避开去参加任何人的葬礼, 尤其是认识的, 熟悉的人。。。
今天, 我去参加了公司的founder 的葬礼。 Mr Kenneth Chia, 是一个我没有讲过几句话的人, 可是我常常会记得他非常爽朗,洪亮的笑声, 从他非常仅有的几次的进来公司的时候。 有的人,虽然你没有说过几句话, 可是你却可以非常的喜爱或尊敬的。。。
This is my first christian's wake . What i can said is, it is truly a great experience. He was a person who worship life, he enjoy good food, good friend and love of life, and he shown it to us, even after his death. There can't be a better first experience.
We are offered very nice food- with 2 hotel chefs serving the hotel standard buffet, red wine white wine, good coffee, the Chia's family has shown us how to live and dead gracefully, the sons and wife and family shaked our hand sincere and whole heartedly, his son and friends shared with us the every little details of their life with Mr Chia- the joke he cracked, his generosity to friends, their love of him. The wake is full of peace and laughter...
I thank Mr Chia, even his death has shown and teach us something so important- how to live life , how to share life... Even when he is dead, he want us to enjoys life, to be happy, to experience what he is so in love and believe of - good food and good friendship and of course love.
When we were leaving the wake, shaking each one of the family member, Mr Chia father of 90s year old said to me, ' u have nice smile' and tell my other colleague to give him a smile... I can not articulate clearly, what i feel is- there is a very important message there, the respectful old man has tried to tell us, yes, no matter what happen, just put up a smile and face another new day....